Why we invested in Oneday

  • Author

    Kevin Chong

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  • Date

    April 27, 2022

Why we invested in Oneday

Outward VC co-led the £2.5m funding round alongside Brighteye Ventures, with participation from Flint Capital and well-known angels including Joshua Wöhle, CEO at Mindstone and Co-founder of SuperAwesome.

As the father of two Gen Z children, I find myself constantly wondering if and how educational institutions can keep pace with the reinvention of work that is being driven by unprecedented technological change. “People don’t need college to learn stuff” says Elon. Maybe he was trolling again, but this statement is getting increasingly real.

At the same time, at Outward VC, we meet thousands of early stage entrepreneurs every year and it is clear we are living in an age of immense opportunity where it is easier than ever to act on creativity and passion to start a business or change careers armed with open-sourced learnings. “How to start a business” is now more searched than “how to get a job”.

“How to start a business” is now more searched than “how to get a job”.

And then we met Ranbir and Taras, the founders of Oneday. Ranbir and Taras created Oneday to help people get into the passion economy careers that they dream of. While it is a market opportunity we instantly recognised, we were well aware of the challenges. The venture capital world has its accelerators, boot camps, office hours, tech meet-ups, venture builders etc. and those things fail 99% of the time. Oneday is not a platform for the 1% who are ready or want to partner with VCs, it is for anyone, at any stage in their working lives, aspiring to be an entrepreneur.

What set Ranbir and Taras apart is their deeply methodical approach. Having successfully scaled other start-ups, they maximised their pre-seed funding by conducting endless A/B experiments to hone the Oneday product. Oneday provides aspiring entrepreneurs with ready-to-launch ideas and matching them with successful CEOs and, importantly, the structure, content and tools to launch and fund their business.

With this new round of funding, Ranbir and Taras will be executing on plans to grow the Oneday platform which already has over 1,500 mentors. We could not be more excited about supporting them on their mission to help everyone create lives and careers they love.

"At Outward...we believe that venture capital and financial services needs to evolve to fit the future of work and careers, and we are convinced Oneday will play a pivotal role in this."

At Outward our fintech focus is deliberately broad and we actively seek out adjacent areas that we believe will shape financial services in the future. We were convinced by Ranbir and Taras’ energy, vision and methodical approach. We also believe that venture capital and financial services needs to evolve to fit the future of work and careers, and we are convinced Oneday will play a pivotal role in this.